Westside Ministers Coalition

Columbus Park Refectory 5701 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL, United States

The Westside Ministers Coalition of Chicago and Vicinity Inc., is an organization whose mission is to provide services that will initiate self-help efforts to improve the Austin community of Chicago in areas of housing, public safety, clergy involvement, education, health, energy conservation, community, youth and economic development, to work in cooperation with other organizations sharing similar values in accomplishing our goals.

Austin Quality of Life Plan

Austin Community Together 5049 W. Harrison, Chicago, IL, United States

Austin Coming Together (ACT) along with the Austin Quality of Life Plan Steering Committee,  Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago (LISC), and community members will kick off a public safety summit identify actions to take over the 5 years to create a more thriving Austin community. 

This event meeting is open to the public.

South Austin Neighborhood Association Mtg.

Friendship Baptist Church 5200 W. Jackson, Chicago, IL, United States

COPA staff will provide a presentation with Chicago's South Austin residents to educate and inform them about the agencies investigative process, including answer questions.This event is open to the public. 

29th Ward Community Meeting with Alderman Taliferro

Columbus Park Refectory 5701 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL, United States

COPA will speak at the 29th Ward Community Meeting on police accountability. This is an opportunity for constituents to meet with COPA leadership staff and Alderman Taliferro. Attendees can also learn about COPA’s investigative process including how to report outcomes to the citizens we serve and how to reduce police misconduct.