

Subject: Terrell Eason This post includes all relevant video, audio, and Chicago Police Department records in COPA’s possession that are required to be released related to the use of force …


Subject: Brandon Tate This post includes all relevant audio and Chicago Police Department records in COPA’s possession that are required to be released related to this incident and the events …


Subject: Juvenile   Pursuant to the Illinois Juvenile Court Act, 705 ILCS 405/1-1, et seq., the City is prohibited from releasing law enforcement records that relate to a minor who has …


Subject: Christopher Younger, Jr. NOTE: Pursuant to a court order issued in 17 CR 14297  (People of the State of Illinois v. Christopher Younger, Jr.) on October 27. 2017, the …


Subject: Roshad McIntosh COPA investigated allegations of false statements made by a witness officer related to this investigation under Log 1088307: This post includes all relevant video, audio, and …


Subject: Taylor Clark Pursuant to Section IV(B) of the City of Chicago’s Video Release Policy, the Independent Police Review Authority  has submitted an Extension Letter to the City’s Corporation Counsel requesting …


Subject: Deangela Eaton This post includes all relevant audio and Chicago Police Department records in COPA’s possession that are required to be released related to the use of force in …


Subject: Herbert Johnson Note: Two 911 calls and three Chicago Fire Department radio transmission calls have been withheld pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”). …


Subject: Cleotha Mitchell This post includes all relevant video, audio, and Chicago Police Department records in COPA’s possession that are required to be released related to the use of force …