COPA had a great time engaging the residents of Chicago in the community during the week of 10.30.23. Our office is committed to helping residents understand how to file a complaint or compliment an officer and explain to the public our role in police oversight. Below is a brief description of our most recent community engagement efforts. If you are interested in COPA speaking to your community group or organization, please submit a request via email to

2nd Annual Fall Fest at Kelly Hall YMCA 10.31.23

COPA participated in the Kelly Hall YMCA 2nd Annual Fall Fest in the West Humboldt Park community. The event included games, a bouncy house, food and drinks for participants. Of course there were plenty of candy bags for youth spending their Halloween at Kelly Hall YMCA. COPA provided information about our services to the community and brought Halloween treats to share!

Rescheduled Halloweek on the Block – Altgeld Gardens 11.2.23

COPA participated Chicago Halloweek this year. Chicago Halloweek is developed by the City of Chicago to ensure all youth and families can have a celebratory and safe Halloween and Fall season. These “On the Block” events gave us the opportunity to engage with residents about our work and to provide a treat to children who participate. The Altgeld Gardens event was rescheduled to November 2, 2023 given the inclement weather.


Aetna Give Thanks for Your Health Resource Fair at South Shore Community Church 11.4.23

COPA was in South Shore this past Saturday for the Aetna Give Thanks for Youth Health Resource Fair. The event included an activity zone for kids, free giveaways, health screenings and dozens of resource providers. We are proud to partner with Aetna to attend resource fairs across Chicago.