Log# 2021-0000901

Subject: Unknown

This post was updated on March 7, 2024 to include the Final Summary Report.

NOTE: The release of all Final Summary Reports is mandated pursuant to the City of Chicago Municipal Code (Section 2-78-145, viewable here) and the Consent Decree in State of Illinois v. City of Chicago (17-cv-6260, paragraph 499, viewable here). As standard practice, COPA attempts to notify the involved individual and/or their representative of its obligation to post the report to its website.

This post includes all relevant audio and Chicago Police Department records in COPA’s possession that are required to be released related to use of force in this off-duty officer-involved shooting and the events immediately following it.



OEMC Transmission 1
OEMC Transmission 2
911 1
911 2
911 3
911 4
911 5
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911 8